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Ashington Leisure Partnership  during the financial year 21/22 awarded just short of £49,000 in Community Grant Awards and a figure of £3,800 in Small Grant Awards under the John Talbot Sports Development Scheme to sports groups and individuals. Since 2018 Ashington Leisure Partnership has provided in excess of £200,000 to Community Schemes and over £15,000 to the John Talbot Sports Development Scheme. 

To find out more about recent Grant Awardees visits our Facebook page. To apply for a grant, please visit our Grants page, and look at our Grant Policy and Strategy documents, and download out Grant Application Form.


April 2024


Harrison Scott - an outstanding local sprinter and footballer who is a member of Morpeth Harriers and Bedlington FC has been given the opportunity from September 2024 to attend Park View Athletics Academy located in Durham City to further his A Level studies and also receive professional sprint coaching.

The grant awarded will contribute towards his school uniform. travelling expenses and acquire a set of starting blocks. ALP wishes the very best to Harrison for his athletics future.


April 2024


Summer Knight - this is the second grant awarded to Summer following her successful attendance at dance competitions held at Blackpool last year and will allow her mother and Summer to attend this year's Blackpool event. 


We were delighted to present Paul Milburn, Chairman of Ashington Rugby Cricket Club with his cheque, after successfully applying for a grant application to help fund the purchase of a Double Bay Cricket Training Facility. This will be installed near to the cricket area at the Ashington Recreation Ground.

Paul is hoping that the installation will be completed in readiness for early cricket training before the commencement to 2024 cricket program in April/May of this year and Ashington Leisure Partnership have welcomed the opportunity to participate with this project.


Keith Green, Secretary of the Ashington Veterans and Elders Institute forwarded a large grant application to ALP requesting the sum of £20,000.00 to cover a shortfall in the overall project costs of £52,000.00 for an extension to the existing building located just behind Woodhorn Road in Ashington.

The grant was approved at the ALP Management Meeting held in September 2023 and he has received planning permission to proceed with the project.

Construction activities are planned to begin towards the end of March with a completion date early in June.

We wish them well and look forward to seeing the progress on this project.


A recent post from Newbiggin Town Council celebrating the installation of the new play area in Newbiggin by the Sea.

We were very happy to approve the funding application for this installation, which helped towards the cost of the equipment.

This is what they had to say.

“Newbiggin by the Sea Town Council is delighted to announce that the installation of the toddler to primary play equipment is complete at Central Park Play Area – this is near Grace Darling Primary, Newbiggin Family Hub, and the local nursery and is a short walk from the Newbiggin Sports & Community Hub by walking around the Skatepark.

Wicksteed Leisure were awarded the tender to install play equipment with a train theme and we think they’ve done a great job. The scheme which cost £39,107.00 included the removal of the old roundabout (we had previously removed the old multi-play that was in a dangerous condition).

The new equipment includes:

  • The Newbiggin Flyer train with 2 x carriages

  • Old King Cole multi-play unit

  • Tootin Train seesaw

  • Tootin train springy

  • Train ticket office play panel

  • Beach Maze play panel

  • Ice cream shop play panel

  • graphics, and

  • 2 x additional seats.

The new equipment was installed by Wicksteed contractors throughout December.

Cllr Alison Sutherland, Mayor of Newbiggin by the Sea, described the equipment as ‘bright, colourful and fun, we hope it bring enjoyment for everyone using it’.

In the autumn the Town Council submitted a grant application to Ashington Leisure Partnership for support with the costs of this scheme. It is intended that the new equipment will encourage young children accompanied by parents, grandparents, or guardians to get outdoor and get active and it also is intended to bring back nostalgic stories of the former Newbiggin Line.

We were very fortunate to be successful with the application for funding.

On Friday, the Mayor was joined at the play area by Brian Storey and Colin Redpath, Trustees of Ashington Leisure Partnership who have supported the project to install the new play equipment with a financial contribution of £20,000! The Mayor added ‘The successful funding bid is brilliant news for our community and we are extremely grateful to Ashington Leisure Partnership for their support’.

The Mayor was also joined by Claire from local nursery Little Acorns - Newbiggin who brought Ruby, Freddie, and Esmerelda to test out the new equipment. The children were wrapped up warm as it was a cold day but they thoroughly enjoyed the new equipment.

Brian and Colin commented, ‘the Trustees of Ashington Leisure Partnership welcomed the opportunity to become involved with Newbiggin Town Council in the refurbishment of a Play Area Project in central Newbiggin. The grant application from the Town Council was well presented at our Management Meeting by Elaine, the Town Clerk, and the Trustees all agreed to provide a grant towards the Play Area Project. I am sure the children of Newbiggin will enjoy the new greatly improved facilities for many years to come and Ashington Leisure Partnership are more than happy to support community projects’.”

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AFC Newbiggin Under 13s Grant presentation.



"On behalf of AFC Newbiggin U13’s can we thank the Leisure Partnership for the Grant of £500.Our grant has been used together with previous fund raising to pay the total of £720 for sixteen Joma branded winter jackets for the team. The jackets have the club badge embroidered on them.

The grant has made a significant difference to the team. The team now have jackets which present a professional image, they have new jackets which will have practical usage for a couple of seasons and help to encourage team spirit and bonding. The jackets also are one of a series of enhancements which the coaches, management and supporters are trying to obtain on a continuing journey of improvement to take the team to a new better level of performance and achievement."


Libby being presented with her grant award.



We were delighted to present Libby with her cheque recently, after approving her application for a grant towards her uniform and any accommodation.


Libby is currently attending NDC College of Performing Arts where she is training in Jazz, Contemporary and commercial dance.

Grants are regularly reviewed by the Ashington Leisure Partnership Committee and are supporting local applications from individuals or groups in the local area who have an interest in sport and leisure.

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"A HUGE Thank you to Ashington Leisure Partnership for a cheque for £6K towards our new starting blocks (£12k). The cheque was presented at our annual "Swamp race" fund raising event. Also a big thank you to all those who took part or sponsored our swimmers. Funds raised will also go towards buying our new blocks. Fun was had by all."

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We were delighted that Cambios Boxing Club were successful in securing funding from Ashington Leisure Partnership

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Pegswood Parish Council were delighted to receive a cheque from our Vice Chair, Colin Redpath, following a successful bid to secure £25,000 to refurbish their local play area.




Meet Amelia, a local dance and dramer student who was recently successful in securing funding from Ashington Leisure Partnership.

"I just wanted to give you an update on how Amelia has settled into college life with the help of the funding she has received from Ashington Leisure Partnership. We are so grateful for your support".

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Ashington Leisure Partnership awarded £18,000 Stephen Humphrey Ashington Town Council we wish to thank Ashington Leisure Partnership for their continuing financial support for local projects 

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